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Kamis, 25 November 2010

Present tense

Present tense is tense to express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes

Verbal Sentence
  • Positive form (+)
    • I read a book
  • Negative form (-)
    • I don't read a book
  • Interrogative form (?)
    • Do I read a book?
Non verbal sentence
  • Positive form (+)
    • I am handsome
  • Negative form (-)
    • I'm not handsome
  • Interrogative form (?)
    • Am I handsome?


We almost use greetings everyday. So now I will write about greetings for you. Please look carefully ...

Greeting is an act of communication in which people to show attention and make contact with other people

How to greet
  • Hello
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening
  • How are you
How to respond
  • Hello
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening
  • Fine, thanks. And you?

Senin, 22 November 2010

procedure text

Now I will continue with procedure text

Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps

Procedure text also has generic structure, it is
  • Goal/aim
  • Materials
  • Steps
Example of procedure text

How to make sandwich
You need (materials) :
  • 2 slices of bread
  • peanut butter
  • a banana
  • honey
 What you should do are (steps) :
  • Take two slices of bread
  • Spread peanut butter
  • Cut up a banana onto small slices and put them on one of the slices
  • Pour some honey over the bananas Put the other slice of bread on top


narrative text

when I was child, I often got story from my mom like cinderella, snow white and etc.
that is some kind of narrative text. I will write about narrative text now :)

arrative text is a text tell about a fantasy story like fable, folktale, myth, legend and etc

The generic structure of narrative text
  • Orientation
  • Complication
  • Resolution

Language features (ciri kebahasaan yang utama):

  1. past tense, misalnya We went to the zoo; She was happy; dsb.
  2. time connectives dan conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian, misalnya then, before that, soon, dsb.
  3. adverbs dan adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa, misalnya here, in the mountain, happily ever after,dsb.
  4. action verbs dalam past tense; stayed, climbed, dsb.
  5. saying verbs yang menandai ucapan seperti: said, told, promised, dan thinking verbs yang menandai pikiran, persepsi atau perasaan tokoh dalam cerita, misalnya thought, understood, felt, dsb
  6. adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase, misalnya, long black hair, two red apples, dsb.
  7. nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita, misalnya, stepsisters, housework, dsb.
Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks
Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some leftover food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.
The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.
This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.

recount text

that morning, I got a question from Mr. Erwanto like this "Grandy, what is the definition of recount text?". But I can't answer that. hehehe XD
Because that now I will write about recount text .....
Let's cekidot :D

recont text is is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

In recount text there are 3 generic structure, those are :
  • Generic structure
    It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened
  • Events
    A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence
  • Re-orientationrestates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident
The significant Lexicogrammatical features :
  • Use simple past tense
  • Use temporal conjuctions (when, after, before, next, later, then)
  • Use personal pronoun (I, We)


"yesterday, I and my friends got announcement that we would got break for two days because all teachers would attended teachers meeting"
that is an announcement what you get in the school and now I want to explain about announcement for you ;)

announcement is Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) what will happen.

In writing an announcement, keep the following points
  • The title/type of event
  • Date/time and place  
  • contact person

Rabu, 17 November 2010

giving insrtuction

Next, giving instruction

Giving instrucyions is an expression to give ask someone to do something what we want

I will give you some examples for this
  • Open your book!
  • Take my book there, please
  • Close the door, please
  • Be quiet, please
  • Stand up, please

gaining attention

I will continue about gaining attention ...

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to
Okay I will give you some examples
  • Attention please
  • May I have your attention, please?
  • Excuse me, look here!
  • Listening to me, please? 


sympathy expression

This is sympathy expression ...

Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know or see someone are unlucky, have trouble and in bad condition.

Example of sympathy expression
  • That's a pity
  • How awful
  • I'm sorry to hear that
  • Poor you

happiness expression

I'm happy now :)
And I will write about happines expression .....

happiness expression is an expression that is used to show that someone or peoples are glad have excited feelings

the examples of happiness expression
  • I'm happy
  • I'm so glad to hear that
  • Great
  • Terrific
  • Fantastic


Now, I will continue to appoinment

Appoinment made if we want go or do something together with other people

Making an appoinment :
  • I'd like to make an appoinment with ...?
  • I want to make appoinment ...?
  • Will you go out tonight with me?
Accepting an appoinment :
  • All right, see you there
  • No problem, I'm free on ...?
  • I'll wait for you
Declining an appoinment :
  • Sorry, I can't
  • I'd love to, but I can't
  • I'm sorry, I'm really busy


hello guys,
First I will explain you about invitation. wkwkwk :D

Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.
  There are two types of invitation.
  Formal invitation is usually originate from Institutes, Companies and a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
  Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.
Extending : 
  • I would like to invite you to come to my house
  • Would you like to come to my restaurant?
  • How would you like to go  camping with us next month 
Accepting (menerima)
  • I’d love to
  • I like that
  • That sounds great  
Declining (menolak) / refusing
  • I’d love to, but I can’t
  • I’m really sorry because I can’t come
  • Sorry, I’m really busy

Selasa, 16 November 2010




Perubahan tense , selalu disertai perubahan pada PREDIKATNYA

Pada PAST TENSE , terjadi perubahan pada Predikat yaitu KATA KERJA / VERB dan atau KATA KERJA BANTU / Auxilliary verb


Bentuk present tense :

Julian buys the newspaper everyday

Bentuk past tense

Julian bought the newspaper yesterday

Terjadi perubahan dari buys menjadi bought , buys adalah bentuk 1 , sedangkan bought adalah bentuk kedua (pelajari daftar regular dan irregular verb)


Bentuk present tense :

Julian is a student

bentuk past tense :

Julian was a student twenty years ago

ket : AM = WAS , IS = WAS , ARE = WERE

peraturan penggunaan sama dengan present tense, hanya kita harus perhatikan perubahan bentuknya. Kuncinya adalah penguasaan kata kerja serta perubahannya.